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15th Annual Retrofest benefiting Piedmont Red Cross

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Red Cross chapters were first chartered in Cherokee, Spartanburg, and Union counties in 1917. The initial chartered obligations of Red Cross units assigned by Congress remains unchanged. They are

1. Provide disaster relief and prevention

2. Serve as the official channel of communications between the people of the United States and the men and women serving in the Armed Forces.

First Aid and Water Safety Programs were initiated about this time. The American Red Cross founded Blood Services during World War II. The Hospital Volunteer Program was begun in Spartanburg in the 1950s. In 1970, the Red Cross began CPR training for the general public. HIV Education was added in 1988 to educate the public against the spread of AIDS. Community Disaster Education was initiated in 1992 in an effort to reduce the number of single-family fires. The popular Keeping Seniors Safer Educational training began in Spartanburg in 1995. To provide better service to the respective communities the Union County Chapter and the Spartanburg County Chapters merged in 1980 to form the Piedmont Chapter. Cherokee County was added in 2002.

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