Adventure Tour

Fantastic Caverns- America's Only Ride-Through Cave - A small, family owned business, it was discovered in 1862 by an Ozarks farmer - or more precisely, by his dog, who crawled through an entrance. It wasn't until five years later that the first exploration took place: 12 women from Springfield, answering a newspaper ad seeking explorers, ventured into the cave. Their names remain on a cave wall today.
Because the beauty of Fantastic Caverns is vulnerable, the Cave is toured in jeep-drawn trams. Since you ride all of the way through, you experience the magnitude, the stillness, and the splendor of Fantastic Caverns while preserving its natural features. Wise stewardship preserves this natural wonder for your children and grandchildren for decades to come.
The new 2012 Adventure tour is a 90-minute a - program that includes a fossil unit at the cave's Underground Classroom and all riding educational cave tour.
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