Boise Farmers Market

In April 2013, The Boise Farmers Market will open as a farmers market for the 21st century at 11th and Grove - between the Linen District and the heart of downtown. It will focus on local food, cultivating new farmers, incubating new food ideas, and creating a community space to learn about food and sustainability. The vendors who have committed to supporting this market have over 200 years of farmers' market experience and are dedicated to a vision of authenticity, education, and renewal of our agricultural economy.
A Fresh Approach!
The Boise Farmers Market will establish a new standard for farmers markets in the Treasure Valley. Its focus:
- Locally grown foods sold by the farmer. A wide assortment of foods and agricultural products will be offered.
- Value added products with a local emphasis. Customers can expect on-site food, specialty foods, and other value added items to contain as much locally grown products as possible.
- Accountability to the customer. All goods sold at the Boise Farmers Market will be grown or made by the producer.
- Information about local food and farming issues. The Boise Farmers Market will be a place where the public can learn about relationship of local food and farms to our health, our economy, and our culture.
- Growing new farmers. Through an innovative partnership between established farmers and those exploring the occupation, The Boise Farmers Market will help ensure our local food supply.
- Sustainability and community resilience. The Boise Farmers Market will focus on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same through its operation and community partnerships.
An Incubator of New Ideas!
Farmers markets have a long history of being more than merely a place to exchange goods. The Boise Farmers Market is committed to playing an important role in fostering new ideas in Boise and the regional food system.
Vision: The Boise Farmers Market is a community marketplace where local food and agricultural products are available year round and where the community can learn about and become engaged in food system issues. The Market is a catalyst and incubator for local food-related activities in the region, and helps to build personal and community self-reliance.
Mission: The Boise Farmers Market supports a regenerative, healthy food and agricultural system by operating a vibrant marketplace featuring locally grown and crafted products.
A big "Thanks" to Republic Parking Northwest for providing a home for The New Boise Farmers Market. The Market will be located in the Republic Parking Lot at 11th & Grove - Between the Linen District & the heart of Downtown.
40 farmers and food producers will operate Saturdays only, 9.a.m. - 1p.m. beginning April 6th. Shopping will be a more intimate experience and customers will have the added benefit of being able to park in the remainder of the parking lot while they shop for the freshest fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs, Idaho Specialty Foods & Wines.
"Meet the Producers of The New Boise Farmers Market - Saturday - April 6, 2013!
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