Brevard Tea Party February Organizational Meeting
The Tea Parties are about more than health care or immigration reform, they are about reigning in out of control government at every level. The mission of the Brevard Tea Party is to revive the spirit of the founders and restore the Constitutional Republic. To achieve this mission we strive to get people engaged, educated and off their sofas come election time.
"The Tea Party movement serves as the catalyst to get ordinary working people involved - we want them to come out, get engaged, and learn how they can make a difference in the process," Nye said. "Apathy is no longer an option; just as our forefathers stood against the redcoats so many years ago, Americans must once again stand up and fight if they want to preserve the greatest country known to man."Join us as we get organized to promote the message of individual rights, free markets and fiscal responsibility. Social hour is from 6-7, the meeting begins promptly at 7pm.
We are moving forward with a plan to give the Brevard Tea Party more structure. We will be organizing by district and precinct going forward. This will be the second of three organizational meetings to discuss goals, recruit officers and flesh out committees and who will constitute them.
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