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City of Watsonville Nature Walks

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Steve Palmisano has been named Interim Director of the Department of Public Works and Utilities, the City's largest department, with a $30 million annual budget and over 140 employees. Mr. Palmisano took over after David Koch retired in December of 2012. Mr. Palmisano has been with the City for over 18 years, and was previously an Assistant Director for the Department.

As the City's largest department, the Public Works and Utilities Department operates and maintains nearly all of the City's infrastructure while also providing many of the City services that residents use on a daily basis.

Who fixes the potholes, removes graffiti, sweeps the streets, keeps the water flowing, collects and treats the sewage, repairs street lights, builds nature trails, maintains the fire engines and police cars, plans and builds streets and bridges, and empties the garbage and recycle carts? The Public Works and Utilities Department staff works hard to provide these and other essential services to our residents and businesses.

The Public Works & Utilities Department operates and maintains the City's regional potable water system, the sanitary and storm sewer systems, the wastewater treatment and water recycling plant, the collection of garbage and recyclables from City residents and businesses through curbside collection and the Harvest Drive Public Drop-Off Center all while ensuring that the City complies with all regulatory requirements and helping to advance the City's sustainability goals.The Public Works and Utilities Engineering Division designs and oversees construction of many of the City's road and utilities projects, manages the City's traffic systems and Watsonville Municipal Airport. The Environmental Education Division operates the Environmental Science Workshop and the Ramsay Park Nature Center and provides classroom education and related field trips to our community schools to teach water conservation, recycling, and watershed management.

The Department staff takes great pride in providing services to our community in an efficient and cost-effective manner while also providing excellent customer service.

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