Civil Ward Encampment

Camp Floyd State Park in conjunction with the Utah Civil War Association are hosting a Civil War Encampment on Memorial Day Weekend. The event will allow visitors to experience camp life and participate in several activities performed by soldiers of Johnston's Army. Events include reenactments, encampments, stagecoach rides (Monday 12pm - 2pm), firearm and cannon demonstrations, marches, drills, 1861 period games, and photos in period uniform. The events will be conducted 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 25th and 27th.
All events are free of charge. Standard museum entrance fees of $2 per person or $6 per family still apply. Food concession will be available to purchase at the event.
Established in 1858, Camp Floyd housed the largest concentration of U.S. troops then in the United State. The troops were sent to Utah to suppress a rumored Mormon rebellion which never took place. The army was recalled back east in 1861 for the Civil War emergency. Today, the park museum houses artifacts and exhibits from this historic event.
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