Cumberland Sustainable Farmers’ Market (CSFM)

Supermarkets have branches...Farmers' Markets have roots!
Our Mission:
Cumberland Sustainable Farmers' Market (CSFM), is an online farmers' market providing consumers a convenient way to support local family farms-from the comfort of your home computer! Our goal is to keep family farms in business, while supplying Crossville, TN and the surrounding region with the freshest, healthiest, naturally raised produce available!
This year, the Market will be at the Depot on Main Street. Smack dab in the middle of downtown Crossville!
So, come downtown on Thursdays and try out the Market in May. Check out all the delicious fresh produce in person. Or, if you are a technology buff, join the Cumberland Sustainable Farmers' Market online at and pre-order your groceries. Your products will be ready for pick up when you arrive.
How Does It Work?
Farmers create their own "grower account" on our website. When their growing standards have been assessed, and they've been approved, they can list products that they have for sale with the quantity available and their own price.
On Sunday afternoons, ordering is opened, which means customers can login to their accounts, and order what they want-ordering closes Tuesday evening, which means you have two days to choose what you want, from who you want!
On Wednesday growers get a packing list-showing them what they've "sold," days before they even have picked the produce!
This system provides farmers with a guaranteed outlet for their produce, while ensuring customers get the freshest produce possible! Farmers don't have to guess what will sell at market this week, and have to take home a pile of unsold produce-and customers don't have to sort through produce at a grocery store trying to find a decent head of lettuce, or bunch of radishes!
Enhance our local economy: By purchasing produce and other items from local growers you are providing stability to our local economy through the support of local businesses.
Save natural resources: Buying locally makes you an invaluable link in the process of saving resources such as fossil fuels and packaging materials. The growers are here in our community so the expenses of transportation and delivery are kept to a minimum.
Supporting a way of life: The number of small farms in the United States has decreased dramatically in the last decade. Buying food locally renews an honest and worthy means of making a living.
We believe that small, diverse, family-owned farms contribute to society's overall health.
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