Death By Cupids Arrow

Presented by the Bluegrass Mystery Theatre. In a world where death and taxes are the only guarantees, it's nice to know there are still forces out there conspiring for love. Enjoy a night of mischief, magic & murder as Venus calls together her cast of minions to try and cast spells of love! Time: Dinner served at 7:15pm. Show promptly at 7:30pm. Tickets: $48 per person. 1280 Moores Mill Road, Midway, Kentucky.
It all started with a passion for something traditional in a non-traditional place - grape growing in horse country! How could the two co-exist? Quite nicely!
An inspired vision to work the rich fertile soil of the Kentucky Bluegrass in a county steeped with tradition, a tobacco and cattle farm gave way to what is now Equus Run Vineyards. The vision became reality in January 1998 with the combined efforts of friends and family and our belief in friendship, community and tradition remains foremost among our principles.
The visionary in this story is owner Cynthia Bohn who, coincidentally, also serves as our vineyard manager, winemaker and captain of the team. As a 30-year veteran of IBM Corp., she had the opportunity to travel the world and sample many wonderful cuisines and wines. As the story goes, Cynthia was examining the business case studies of wine giants Mondavi and Gallo as part of continuing business education curriculum at Harvard University. As she researched numerous wineries in the region, her mind gave way to thoughts of her own vineyard and winery in Kentucky. Countless hours of dedicated research later, the business plan was born and Woodford County, Kentucky had its own winery and vineyard.
Having grown up on a tobacco farm in Hart County, Cynthia is well-versed in "Farming 101" and learned the value of hard work from her parents. On any one day she may be repairing a motor or introducing tours on a bus. The winery and vineyard, surrounded by the meandering South Elkhorn Creek, boasts rich soils that were initially cattle fields with tobacco and hay crops. With the help of local farmers, the fields were cultivated and planted in vines. The dream was "planted" in rich soils and a wonderful community.
Equus Run Vineyards is nestled on 35 acres in the heart of central Kentucky's Bluegrass Region and was voted by CNN Travel as a Must See Hidden Treasure of the US. Amidst picturesque thoroughbred horse farms, historic stone fences and the quaint charm of Midway, KY, Equus Run is the perfect place to enjoy a picnic, take in a game of croquet or bocce, stroll through our promenade gardens or explore the scenic South Elkhorn Creek with fishing or kayaking.
Each summer, Equus Run Vineyards offers a very unique and enchanting entertainment experience to celebrate our new wine releases. The Equus Run Concerts at the Vineyard series showcases local musicians in our stone terraced outdoor amphitheater with the romantic ambiance of a magnificent vineyard setting. Tour our vineyards and winery while enjoying your stay in the "Horse Capital of the World."
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