Lewiston Farmers Market

Bringing quality local produce, educational resources, and artisan products into the lives of Lewis-Clark Valley families in a vibrant community atmosphere to support their healthy lifestyle decisions.
The Lewiston Farmers Market is a weekly event dedicated to putting local growers and craftsmen in direct contact with consumers. We offer shaded vendor spots,weekly volunteer support through our Friends of the Market program, and marketing opportunities. The
Lewiston Farmers Market is a young market with a dedicated group of vendors and volunteers that work hard to provide the Lewis-Clark Valley and surrounding community with a stable and quality market!
The Lewiston Farmers Market falls under the umbrella of Beautiful Downtown Lewiston (BDL), a downtown revitalization nonprofit organization. BDL is committed to creating a vital and inviting downtown district which promotes quality business, cultural and community growth. The Lewiston
Farmers Market is an integral piece of the downtown revitalization plan, and BDL is honored to continue market management in the 2013 season.
The Lewiston Farmers Market Advisory Committee has made some exciting changes to the 2013 season! The market will be moved from Wednesday to Saturday, and will now be set alongside another BDL event called Sound Downtown . We are very excited about these
changes and hope you will join us for the upcoming season by signing up to be a Lewiston Farmers Market vendor!
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