Meditation Peace Hike

Each Friday, IMA is the site of Meditation Peace Hikes facilitated by Global Peace Initiatives. In the spirit of mindfulness, the hikes move through the IMA's grounds, gardens, or 100 Acres: The Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park, sometimes in silence and sometimes with dialogue. Hikes occur regardless of the weather. Tours depart promptly at 5:30 pm.
Find your inner peace and release the tension of the week by joining us for our Meditation Peace Hike.
Weekly, we facilitate the Meditation Peace Hike at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.
Details - Arrive by 5:20 pm. We depart at 5:30 pm for a 1 hour journey.
Global Peace Initiatives was incorporated in January 2006.
Global Peace Initiatives mission is to create transformational opportunities for individuals and communities through food growing and service initiatives that promote sustainability and peace.
Our founding program was the Peace Hike, where we walk and see the beauty. Through our core program, the Peace Garden Initiative, we grow food to feed the hungry and inspire a league of volunteers to propagate loving kindness and compassion for people in need. Our new facility, Peaceful Grounds Cafe and Farm Market is a community development project in Southport, Indiana that is being brought to life by our volunteers one step at a time, one gift after another. We reconnect program participants to the earth and heighten their awareness for sustainability and the abundance that is at our disposal if we cultivate the world around us. We inspire their ability to create through service, because service is the highest form of peacemaking. Our initiatives create places where the values of being peaceful people come to life.
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