NHSDC 2013 Spring Conference
We hope that everyone is preparing to attend the NHSDC 2013 Spring Conference in Seattle, Washington on April 25-26, 2013. The Spring Conference Planning Team is putting together an amazing conference. Our theme is "Utilizing the power of data to advance Human Services". A preliminary agenda will be released the first week of February. You can register for the conference today!
We are excited to announce our Preliminary Agenda! The preliminary agenda will have more additions and updates as we close out our call for proposals and the conference committee selects and confirms presentations for the final agenda. The Call for proposals closes Feb 15th.
Pre-Conference Tour April 24, 2013: We have been fortunate to have the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation host us on April 24th to discuss regional initiatives in Washington state to address family homelessness. David Wertheimer and Juan Sanchez will share what has inspired the Gates Foundation to invest in innovative and promising programs. Specifically, how data is used to drive initiative development at Gates and the surrounding community. This visit will be held at the Gates Foundation campus from 11:45 to 2:15. Included will be a short tour of the foundations visitors center, a brief video presentation, discussion regarding the measurement and learning evaluation Gates is developing as well as an opportunity for questions and practical application sharing. We will also visit the Downtown Emergency Services Center from 3:00pm to 5pm. During this tour conference participants will have an opportunity to see a widely recognized national model Housing First program supporting chronic alcoholics. This project has been the subject of numerous evaluations and has strong science backing the need for projects of this magnitude. Registration for the pre-conference event will be limited.
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