Thomas Moran’s Yellowstone: A Project for the Nation
Fifteen of Thomas Moran's chromolithographs (multicolor prints) as well as watercolors, drawings, and oil paintings will be on view at the DAM in an exhibition titled Thomas Moran's Yellowstone: A Project for the Nation.
During the nineteenth century, Moran's work stirred the public's fascination with the American West. Moran's chromolithographs brought some of the first images of the West to a large American audience. In fact, in 1876, just in time for the nation's centennial, Moran published a portfolio of work titled The Yellowstone National Park and the Mountain Regions of Portions of Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, and Utah. It was the first illustrated publication about the West to be printed in color, and the first time Moran's images were made widely available.
Thomas Moran's Yellowstone: A Project for the Nation is co-curated by Thomas Smith, director of the Petrie Institute of Western American Art at the DAM, and Toby Jurovics, chief curator of the Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska. It will be accompanied by a reprint publication of Joni L. Kinsey's Thomas Moran's West: Chromolithography, High Art, and Popular Taste.
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