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UARK Bowl Comedy Club Thursday Stand-Up Open Mic Night

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Spring Thurs­days 8pm, Sign-up @ 7pm Com­edy Season

Get ready for an excit­ing new sea­son of stand-up com­edy at the UARK Bowl on Dick­son Street! The fun­ni­est work­ing comics in Amer­ica will take the stage every week through­out the sea­son on Fri­day nights for two show­times at 8pm and 10:30pm. We're con­stantly adding to the lineup, so check back often to con­firm dates and times.

Head­lin­ing the Spring Sea­son is comic leg­end Doug Stan­hope who will take the UARK Bowl stage Tues­day, March 26.

Stanhope's bru­tally hon­est rants encom­pass caus­tic social com­men­tary and out­landish first-person nar­ra­tives. Fueled by equal amounts of anger, out­rage and alco­hol, Stan­hope rails against west­ern civilization's slide into apa­thy and stu­pid­ity, always on the edge of implo­sion yet fully in con­trol and never afraid to risk upset­ting his audiences.

This is one com­edy sen­sa­tion that has a lot of peo­ple talk­ing. Ricky Ger­vais recently Tweeted, "Doug Stan­hope might be the most impor­tant stand-up work­ing today." If that's not a weighty enough endorse­ment, throw in Sarah Sil­ver­man's plea to "please give Doug Stan­hope a tele­vi­sion show" and Louis CK's per­sonal cast­ing of Stan­hope in his hit show "Louie" - and you end up with a lot of profile-raising love by a lot of well known comedians.

Every Thurs­day is Stand-Up Open Mic Night, hosted by local come­di­ans of the Com­edy Col­lec­tive Come­di­ans NWA, where you can see the tal­ent North­west Arkansas has to offer and even get on stage and tell a joke your­self! Once a month, Phun­bags Com­edy Improv takes the stage with their wacky, hilar­i­ous brand of in-the-moment, on-the-spot impro­vi­sa­tional com­edy. Our shows are 18-and-up, with a full bar for the 21-and-up-ers. So bring a date...because, after all, laugh­ter IS the best aphrodisiac!

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