Writers Wednesdays

Held on the second Wednesday of every month, Writers Wednesdays is a casual meet and greet for both aspiring and published authors of every genre. Spend some time with live characters, make connections, and find inspiration in a friendly, supportive environment.
Capital Ale House has generously opened its doors to Writers Wednesdays, our monthly gathering of writers and readers in central Virgina. To make it more convenient for Richmonders north and south of the James, all three of its locations will host the event.
Capital Ale House/Midlothian
- January 9
- February 13
- March 13
- October 9
- November 13
- December 11
Capital Ale House/Downtown
- April 10
- May 8
- June 12
Capital Ale House/Innsbrook
- July 10
- August 14
- September 11
Free admission; just pay for your food and drinks
Our Mission
James River Writers builds community by connecting and inspiring writers and readers in central Virginia.
Our Past
JRW was established in 2002 by a group of local writers who saw the need to support the growth of the region's literary community. Our first annual writers conference was held in October 2003.
Our Present
Today, JRW has grown into multi-faceted non-profit organization that serves as central Virginia's literary hub and a welcoming home for anyone who loves the written word. Aspiring and professional writers and passionate readers in all genres benefit from a variety of programs, services, and events, often presented in partnership with other cultural organizations. We are supported by government grants, foundations, corporate partners, and the generosity of our members.
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